Significance of Water:

In this Khutbah, the topic discussed is the significance of water. ALLAH subhanwatawla in the following verse asks us, have we ever looked at water we drink? and made us to ponder his ultimate favor on the mankind.

“Did you look at the water you drink? Is it you who brought it from clouds or is it we who brought it down? If we had so pleased, we could have made it salty. So why would you not give thanks?”

Why is it that ALLAH is asking us why we aren’t thankful? it is because through water everything lives and from it all living creatures originates. This is confirmed when ALLAH in the Qur’an said: “And ALLAH created every creature from water” and “and we made from water every living creature”

Value of water:

Value of water is not known to someone unless s/he experiences its lackness. This can be well understood from the incident of Hajar mother of Ishmael AS in the region of Makkah. When Prophet Ibrahim AS left his wife Hajar and young Ismael in Makkah, and when all the water they were carrying was over she was thirsty and so was Ismael, in act of desperation she ran to & fro between Mount Safa and Mount Marwa, ascending and descending the two mountains in hope of finding some water / someone for help. This continued for 7 times until ALLAH the most high honored her with spring of water.

Can you imagine the agony she was undergoing?

The value of water can also be demonstrated from the incident of Prophet Ayyub (AS) who was cured of his illnesses thru water by the will of ALLAH.

(We commanded him saying): “Stamp your foot: here is (water) wherein to wash, cool and refreshing, and to drink.)

When Ayyub (AS) struck with his foot on the ground, and a spring of water gushed forth from it. He washed himself with it, and the disease disappeared from him externally, and when he drank the water his disease disappeared from internally.

Another remarkable incident which is mentioned in the Quran regarding water is of Prophet Musa, when he travelled from Egypt to Madyan and found group of people wanting to get the access to the water first before others and he also saw 2 ladies waiting for their turn.

(When he reached the watering place in Madyan, he found some people watering their flocks, and he found apart from them two women holding their flocks back. He asked the women: “What is it that troubles you?” They said: “We cannot water our flocks until the shepherds take their flocks away, and our father is a very old man.)

It was narrated that Sa’d ibn ‘Ubadah said: “I said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, what kind of charity is best?’ He said: (‘Providing drinking water.’)

Allah Almighty appreciated the man who gave water to a dog for drinking, and so ALLA forgave him and entered him into the Jannah.

Verses of the Quran regarding water:

There are numerous verses in the Quran where ALLAH Azzwajjal is asking us to ponder and to reflect regarding the water:

(He it is Who sends down water for you from the sky out of which you drink and out of which grow the plants on which you graze your cattle, and by virtue of which He causes crops and olives and date-palms and grapes and all kinds of fruit to grow for you. Surely in this there is a great Sign for those who reflect.)

(And it is He Who sends forth winds as glad tidings in advance of His Mercy, and when they have carried a heavy-laden cloud We drive it to a dead land, then We send down rain from it.)

(and We sent down from the rain-laden clouds abundant water)

(Do you not see that Allah sent down water from the sky, then made it flow on earth as springs and streams and rivers)

Allah Most High says:

(When He then causes the rain to fall on whomsoever of His servants He pleases, lo, they rejoice at it.)

If we reflect on these verses, we’ll realize the favors of ALLAH on us.

How beautiful it would be to thank Allah Almighty for the blessing of water and praise Him for.

and that how careful we should be in dealing with these favors. As a matter of fact, Prophet of ALLAH in this respect says:

(Indeed, the first of the enjoyment and pleasure that the servant will be asked about on the Day of Judgment is that it will be said to him: ‘Did We not make your body, healthy, and give you cool water to drink?’)

Prophet Muhammad SAAW said, ALLAH swt is pleased with the servant when s/he eats a morsel and thanks him or when he drinks a sip of water and thanks. Thus, he used to make this supplication: (Praise be to Allah who has given us food and drink)

In addition to verbal thanks, one should also show gratitude in actions. And who could show this better than the Prophet of ALLAH Muhammad PBUH.

On the authority of Jabir ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him): ALLAH’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) would bathe with a sa’ of water while he consumed only a muss of water for ablution. (A sa’ equals two litres and a mudd half a litre.)

Let us ask ourselves how much water each of us consumes during taking a bath (ghusl) and ablution (wudu’)?

Concerning Extravagance, prophet Muhammad told Sad RZA, there is extravagance and wastefulness even when performing Wudu (ablution) at banks of river.

This should make us mindful when using water and take extra care to not waste water in fact should conserve it, and this water can be used in more rewarding ways like giving to a person, watering a plant or saving an animal.

May ALLAH make us from those who are grateful, value & appreciate the blessing of water.

Ref: from the Jumah Khutbah

Also read: Correct way to drink water?