It’s a fact what our mind perceives, it manifests and so does our body. Our body & mind are connected, years passed by and I wasn’t aware of this fact. Fortunately living in this time & age of technology doors of knowledge have opened for me. Recently I attended a Masterclass on Live Emotional Healing from Aafiyah Healing. And in this Masterclass, I came to know how our emotions affect our health and the emotional causes of various illnesses/body ailments were also highlighted.

This Masterclass was wonderful and greatly insightful, towards the end there was a live emotional healing session of few minutes with Guided Meditation, which was excellent. I will share its link at the end of this post, so if you like you too can benefit from the video.

Aafiyah Healing:

Aafiyah Healing is an alternative healing – a therapy-based approach focused on physical and emotional problems. The techniques followed at Aafiyah Healing respect the principles of Islam. Brother Zuhar Girach is the founder of Aafiyah Healing. A qualified Clinical Psycho-Hypnotherapist, counselor, and Hijama therapist, brother Zuhar has been practicing emotional energy healing for over a decade now.

His belief: The giver of Shifa – Healing is ALLAH. Medicines, medical treatments, therapy & counseling are all a means to achieve the healing but ultimately the healing comes from ALLAH by his will & command.

Understanding the wisdom behind the sicknesses:

Hadeeth: Prophet of ALLAH said, “with every illness, ALLAH has sent its cure, except for death” so our duty is to find that cure to be able to heal us. At times we succeed in finding the cures but many other times, it so happens we get disheartened for not being able to find the solution to our concern – this is human nature, and I am also not exempted from this. But in this Masterclass, I got a sigh of relief when the speaker said – “Every journey you took in search of a cure is written as Ibadah for you – but the healing only happens when ALLAH wills and always remember ALLAH does not burden a soul more than what it can bear”

The speaker beautifully clarified the misconception of “WHY ME?”, He said which means “the calamity/trial that struck you isn’t a mistake because it was calculated accurately to the “N” degree to reach you as ALLAH doesn’t burden a soul more than its capacity”, so next time when you have the question “WHY ME?” replace it with “WHY NOT ME?” because what has fallen upon you – is FOR YOU. – The sooner we realize that this test is for me and there was no escape from it and that it was the will of ALLAH, more closer we draw to ALLAH. but the more you resist the change, the longer it will take for the healing process.

How to deal with pain and discomfort:

Another thing is, the moment any physical symptom appears like headache, fever, or joint pain, we immediately take the specific medicine, little do we realize that every manifestation of pain is a message from the body about the underlying cause.

Pain and discomfort are part of the healing phase, eg: fever – it’s an indication that the body is healing itself. But what we do is resist it by not allowing the body to heal itself, this results in a prolonged healing process.

underneath every physical discomfort, we need to find what is the emotional cause, this will help the process of healing. These emotions are usually felt in three places:  The head – tension & Stress, The Chest area – related to grief, and the gut area – not able to digest what happening around. and from these three – rest of the body gets affected.

Emotional Causes of Illness list:

Fibroids: nursing a hurt from a Partner, Unvaluing you as a woman

Migraines: Stuck in your ways, rigid & not flexible

Neck pain:  Very Rigid

Insomnia: Overthinking, fear, carrying a lot of guilt

Diabetes: Losing the sweetness of life,

Every Its – Arthritis: Inflamed Emotion like Anger

Constant Cold body: Nervous state

Knee pains: not flexible to move ahead in life; Ego

Kidneys: Fear

Liver: Anger

Lungs: Grief

Heart: loved ones, denying self-love & joy

Head / Mind: Stress, Overthinking

Mouth problems: Closed mind

Myopia: Fear of future

Eye Problems: Not liking what you see in your life; Not wanting to see the past, present, or the future

Leukemia: Anger

Asthma: Suffocated by people around you

Back problems: Lack of support

Upper back: lack of emotional support

Middle back: Guilt

Lower back: lack of financial support, fear of money

Sinus: Irritation with someone in your life

Overweight: Need for protection

Rheumatism: Resentment; lack of love; chronic bitterness; feeling of revenge

Constipation: Inability to let go; tendency to over-save.

Boils, cuts, fevers, sores, inflammations: Anger

Cancer: deep resentment for a long time; disappointment; hopelessness.

Tumors: Running old grudges; staying hurt for a long time.

Throat problems: Feeling inadequate to stand for yourself; repressed anger; swallowing emotional hurt.

Hair problems: Lack of strength; tension.

Ear problems: Unwillingness to hear what’s going on around you; anger about what is heard.

When we know the root cause of any ailment, we can work on that emotion to heal the body.

Link to the Masterclass “Emotional Healing

Also read: How To Deal With Stress & Worry – Islamic Way