An islamic Approach to Migraines:

Do you suffer from Migraines? If yes, you are not only one, as per about 10% of all humans suffer from migraines which is nearly 800million people.

And by the way I too have been suffering from this painful migraine for years. As matter of fact I am writing this post while I am in the “Postdrome” phase of Migraine. And I thought of writing this post to share how I for the first time didn’t experience the pain as severe as I used to earlier, why? because I gave an islamic approach to migraines. So here I share this post.

Well If you are reading this post and are fortunate to not suffer from migraines, the idea of reading this post isn’t bad, perhaps you can help someone in your family, friends or at workplace who suffers from Migraines.

For those who are not aware, Migraines are a type of headaches of varying intensity, and most often bring along nausea and sensitivity to sound and light. (source: Mayoclinic) Migraine pains causes pulsing in one particular area, usually left or right side of the head and the intensity of pain varies. This pulsating continues for hours and days for different individuals. And those who suffer from Migraines are known as Migraineurs.

Migraines for some causes Aura – which includes visual effects (flashes or vision loss), weakness or numbness in face or body, prickly sensations in arm or leg. If you are not a Migraineur and are unable to understand / comprehend the seriousness of this pain experienced by the Migraineurs, this Migraine Timeline will give your fair idea about this pain.

Migraine Timeline Cleveland Clinc

Source: Cleveland Clinic

So as you see from this Timeline, these Migraines leaves an individual in bed for days. Numbness, irritability, sensitivity to light & sound, throbbing or pulsing pain, nausea are some of issues which a Migraineur experience during the attack. As per research this a 6th most disabling disease in the world. (

Who gets Migraines?

Genetics: upto 80% of people who suffer from Migraines got it from 1st-degree relative having Migraine

Gender: Women suffer from Migraines more than Women and the age group is 15 to 55 years

Stress: Most often Stress is the cause of Migraines And

Smoking too

Causes & Triggers of Migraine: Until now its not fully clear what exactly causes the migraine headaches, however it is known that specific nerves send pain signals to the brain, resulting in release of inflammatory substance into the nerves and blood vessels which results in Migraine pains, however why the nerves do so isn’t clear yet.

Now, when it comes to the triggers of Migraine Pains, number 1 in the list is Emotional Stress. During Stress, certain chemical is released to combat this “Flight or Fight” situation, triggering the Migraine, the condition gets even worse when the emotions of Anxiety or worry occurs. Other triggers, are Dehydration, Missing Meals, Sensitivity to specific chemicals/fragrance or odour and light or sound, Traveling, Hormonal changes in women, Weather conditions Too cold or too hot, exposure to low oxygen areas, or smoke, or even change in sleeping pattern etc. Pretty much any change in life-style pattern might result in migraine pains for Migraineurs.

Treatment: There are some specific mediations for Migraines to take during the pains but nothing a such to cure the Migraines completely.

Islamic Approach to Migraines:

Coming back to the main topic of Islamic approach to Migraines, we must first see what Islam says and what Prophet Muhammad (Pease & Blessings of ALLAHh be upon him) said about any pain or hardships . While there are not many texts on Headache / migraine in specific, we can find handful of Hadeeth & Quranic verses talking about pain & hardships, which help in setting aright our approach to Migraines too.  

First of all, from the verse Laa you kallifu Nafsann Illa Wusaha (Surah Baqarah) we must accept whatever pain we are experiencing through this Migraine is something which is bearable for me. I am strong enough to bear this, that is why ALLAH has chosen me for this pain, because ALLAH says in the above verse “he does not charge a soul except (with that within) its capacity”.

Moreover there is a famous hadeeth of Prophet Muhammad where he (May ALLAH’s blessings be on him) said “No calamity befalls a Muslim but that Allah expiates some of his sins because of it, even though it were the prick he receives from a thorn” (Bukhari)

So its a win-win situation for a Muslim & Muslimah to experience any kind of hardship and get rewarded for that experience according to his / her level of submissiveness.

Migraine Headache
Quran with beads

With that said, let us the Islamic approach to Migraines & Headaches. In his book “Prophetic Medicine” Imam Ibn Qayyim talks about the causes of Headaches, He  (May ALLAH have mercy on him) listed out total of seventeen reasons that causes headaches, some of which I have already listed in part-1 of this post (above- the science aspect), nevertheless all the 17 reasons are listed below.

1. When 1 of the 4 essential conditions turns predominant (Cold, dry, hot or wet)

2. Ulcers in Stomach

3. Thick flatulence in stomach ascending to head thereby causing headache

4. Tumor in gastric veins

5. Stomach is full of food & some food remain undigested

6. After sexual Intercourse since the body is weakened by the activity & exposed to heat of the air

7. After vomiting due to gaseous material from stomach ascending to head 

8. individual exposed to Hot weather

9. Cold weather & from the vapor accumulated in the head which s unable to decompose

10. Lack of Sleep

11. Pressure on head ex. carrying heavy object on head

12. Excessive talking which weakens the mind

13. Excessive movement or physical activities

14. negative emotions like depression, sadness, Evil thoughts and even obsessions etc.

15. Excessive Hunger

16. Tumor in cerebral Lining

17. Fever – due to excessive heat

The treatment which he listed in the book “Prophetic Medicine” is tying a bandage around the head focusing the area of pain. He (RA) referenced this from the incident of Prophet Muhammad (Peace & Blessings of ALLAH be upon him) where he delivered a Khutbah while a cloth was tied to his head.

Tying the cloth around the pain area stops the pulsing of arteries thus reducing the pain.Apart from this, reciting Surah Al-Fatiha and blowing on head with the belief that its a healing from ALLAH will help depending on the conviction with which the Surah is recited.

Ref 1: ALLAH says “We sent down of the Quran that which is a healing & mercy to believers” (Surah Al-Isra : Verse 82)

Ref 2: Hadeeth “In Surah Fatiha, there is a cure for all ailments”

Also, application of Black-seed paste on the forehead cures head-ache (Source: Tibbe Nabvi), and its reference is Hadeeth of Tirmidhi “Use black Seed as it contains cure for every ailment, except for death”.

Cupping or Hijamah from Prophetic Treatments is also helpful in Migraines & Headaches.

Ref: “If anyone complained to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) of pain in the head, he would say “Have yourself cupped”… (Abu Dawud)

So these are some of the Islamic ways you can try to combat migraines.


Lastly, one cannot belittle the power of Dua, because ALLAH said in Surah Baqara Verse 186 “And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad ) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge). I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me (without any mediator or intercessor). So let them obey Me and believe in Me, so that they may be led aright.

So when ALLAH guaranteed to respond when we Call, why not then we make DUA esp. when we are rewarded for it since the Dua is a form of worship.

Besides this, personally by the mercy of ALLAH what I have understood is that no matter what situation we are in whether comfort or hardship, we can earn reward on every situation by being grateful & practicing sabr. When the messenger of ALLAH confirmed that even with a prick of thorn the believer is rewarded, If the pain is lasting for 2 days, then imagine the number of Hasanah we are earning for every second of this migraine episode during the entire two days. So next time you experience this pain, try to recall this hadeeth and your perspective of looking at migraine will change and the pain will not be as painful as it used to be earlier. InshaALLAH and for this we must practice making Dua that ALLAH help us recall the Hadith during migraines. Remember “If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? And in Allah (Alone) let believers put their trust.” (Surah Al e Imran Verse 160)

Also read:

Reliance on ALLAH

How to deal with stress & worry