“Remember Me and I will remember You”
(Quran 02:152).

Allah wants us to remember him, “Fadhkurooni Adhkurkum(02:152)

The remembrance of Allah contains great and immense benefits for the servant, the greatest of them being that the one who remembers ALLAH, ALLAH (the most perfect and most High) remembers him. 

In his book, Sh’ Saleh Al-Fawzan mentions, remembrance of Allah is made in 3 ways:

1. On the tongue by glorifying his perfection and by praising him by mentioning his greatness and by reciting the Quran.

2. In the heart by fear hope and reverential awe of him and other than that from the actions of the heart such as longing for him, dread of him, trust in him and seeking refuge and protection with him. 

3. Outwardly up on the limbs by performing the prayers and fasting, performing the Hajj pilgrimage and the and Jihad and other than that from the various types of obedience.

So every worship whether a statement / Dhikr on the tongue or an action upon the limbs or in the heart is considered as remembrance of Allah (Subhan wa Ta’ala).

ALLAH said: Who so ever remembers me in himself then I will remember him in myself and whosoever remembers me in the company of a people then I will remember him in a company better than them.
(Hadeeth Qudsee).

Remembering Allah is easy for the Muslim servant of Allah, he can remember Allah in any state he finds himself in. The prophet (may peace and blessing of ALLAH be upon him) used to remember Allah at every moment and condition and he was never negligent regarding the remembrance of Allah.

So it is desired from the servant that he always and continually remembers Allah – in his house, in the mosque, in his shop, in his office, in the street and that he remembers Allah standing sitting and lying down on his side and all of this is not difficult or hard for him and it brings him closer to his lord. 

Due to this the trees will be planted for such a person in paradise and houses will be built for him as is authentically reported from the Prophet (Peace & Blessings of ALLAH be upon him).

Shall I not tell you of a plant that is better than this?: “Say: ‘Subhan-Allah, wal-hamdu-lillah, wa la ilaha illa-Allah, wa Allahu Akbar. For each one a tree will be planted for you in Paradise”

The remembrance of Allah deters the Satan from a person and causes him to be distant from him.

Satan is a wolf against mankind. So if a person remembers Allah, the Satan turns away from him. For this reason Allah describes Satan as the whisperer withdrawing (waswasun khannas) 

Satan is a whisperer, if the servant is negligent of the remembrance of his lord, he draws near to him whispering Evil thoughts to him and he is a withdrawer when a servant makes remembrance of his lord, who withdraws from him and distances himself from the servant.

So there is no salvation for the son or daughter of Adam from the avowed enemy Satan except with the remembrance of Allah. And indeed remembrance is an impenetrable fortress by way of which a Muslim protects himself from Satan.

So dear servant of Allah, be plentiful in supplicating to Allah and remembering him so that you may have a connection to you lord, and seek your  needs from him and thereby you will attain what you sought in this world and in the hereafter. 

So surely you cannot do without Allah and his remembrance and his supplication rather you cannot do without him even for a blinking of an eye.

And remember you lord by your tongue and within yourself, humbly and with fear without loudness in words in the mornings and in the afternoons and be not of those who are neglectful

Source: “the excellence of supplicating to ALLAH..” by Saalih Ibn Fawzan