Triphala And its Amazing Benefits:

Triphala means  combination of 3 (Three) Fruits is one of the most famous Herbal Medicine in Ayurveda.

Triphala is Available in Powder, Tablets as well as in Liquid form, and it is made from 3 amazing fruits/Herbs:

1 Amala (The Indian Gooseberry) which is considered as the fruit containing highest Vitamin C content in the world.

 2. Vibhitaki is proven beneficial for Gastro Intestinal Track.

3. Haritaki  is a herb used for most of ailments.

Therefore, Triphala is a great medicine for number of ailments. As per Ayurveda, Triphala is used to cure as many as 100+ diseases of varying degrees.

The Composition of Triphala is 1:2:4 with Amla being the highest quantity, and thus maximum benefits are reaped from this preparation.

Benefits of Amla:

Amlaki is Sanskrit means “Nectar of life” , truly Amla lives by its name and helps in removing all the harmful elements from the body.

It is anti-oxidant.

It improves Immunity

It burns down the fat

It beautifies the Hair

It improves the Skin.

It is very good for Eyesight.

Benefits of Vibhitaki:

For its amazing benefits, Vibhitaki is taken in high regard in Ayurveda and Unani Medical fields. it cleans the intestines and balances the Metabolism very well.

Best for Gastro-Intestinal Ailments, thus used to improve digestion, ease constipation, treatment of ulcers etc.

Helps in Metabolic Disorders

Relieves Stress

Promotes Liver Health

Good for Healing Wounds

Benefits of Haritaki:

Like mother is to child, Haritaki is to us when it comes to treating the body for diseases, thus Haritaki is great for:

Digestive Ailments,

Sugar Deregulation

Blood Pressure

Over all Skin Health


How To consume Triphala:

 As it if available in 3 forms, you can have it as you like:

1. In its powdered form: 1 tsp – Twice daily with warm water.

2. In capsule form: As recommended on the bottle

3. In its liquid form: 3-4 times daily 1-2tsp each.

You can also make its herbal tea and reap the same benefits:

Triphala Tea:

Take half teaspoon of triphala powder.

Boil a cup of hot water.

Mix Triphala to the water, stir well.

And then let it cool down a little before you drink it.

Triphala Tea

Now you know the way to consume Triphala, If you want to have wonderful hair, glowing skin, great metabolism, good eyesight, clean intestines, improve Immunity etc, then include Triphala in either of its form to your daily routine and very soon you will witness the amazing results.