- Was revealed to change ourselves in inside.
- Ultimate GOAL is to worship ALLAH.
- Meaning of the Qur’anic Verses (Interpretation, extraction of laws & rulings etc)
- Reflecting on the message of the Qur’an.
- Deriving benefits from the verses of the Qur’an applicable to oneself & Society.
- Acting on the verses / putting them into practice in day to day life.
Arabic is of Prime IMPORTANCE: one should be
- Able to Recite/Read the Qur’an ie, Arabic language + Tajweed
- Able to understand what is being read.
- Quote: U R called d ‘Seeker’ of knowledge, NOT the STUDENT of Knowledge until you learn ARABIC.
- CAUTION: If You Know ARABIC, Don’t be overconfident that you are qualified to do Tafseer & Tadabbur on own, because Tafseer has to be done by Knowledgeable person.
Verses concerning incident of Adam’s creation and ALLAHs order
- When Iblis was ordered to Bow down to Adam AS; he refused by saying he WAS made of Fire and Adam was made of Clay (created by ALLAH).
- When Adam & Hawwa (AS) disobeyed ALLAH’s command (ate from the forbidden tree), Adam immediately admitted his Fault and sought forgiveness.
- Reflection: Iblis Blamed the external locus of Control (external factors) and Adam blamed Internal Locus of Control (Internal Factors of his soul)
Point to draw here in our daily lives, when any undesirable thing happens if we blame the external factors ie, because of so & so OR due to such & such, we are actually carrying the traits of Iblis while on other hand if we actually admit our own shortcoming and incapability we are following our Father Adam AS. (This should be the case by the way)
- Verse: ALLAH knows the deception of eyes & what the Hearts conceal.
- Reflection by Ibn Abbas:
If a woman passes-by a man whom people think is pious, that man would not look at this lady rather turn his sight away from her for the fact that in the eyes of people he is a religious man while if at other time when a woman passes by him while he is alone, he would look at the woman.
This is what ALLAH in the verse says, (meaning): “This is the deception of eyes & ALLAH knows what the heart of such man conceals”
This is how we have to reflect on the message of Qur’an and if we ponder on the verses this way, our attitude towards the things that we deal in will change.
Other benefit: Where to stop in the verse so that 1-2 meanings could be derived from the Verse, eg. Let’s eat Mom, and ii. Let’s eat, Mom.
Importance of Tajweed: Eg, WaladdAAAAAAwlin (madd) here there is a need to stress that “ALLAH shall not make us from those who went astray”
- Those who try to distract Muslims:
- They try to make worldly life more attracted than hereafter
- They try to divert you from path of ALLAH
- They make you follow in Islam which has crookedness (ie, which is not correct path actually)
All the above points has an impact on changing our lives and this can be understood only when one starts pondering over the message of ALLAH.
Things to do regularly:
- Be serious in Learning Arabic
- Read the Qur’an
- Study Tafseer
- Looking into life of Prophet Muhammad SAAW (Seerah)
- Act on 1 verse a day
- Finish 1 Qur’an monthly.
Try: Reciting the Qur’an as much as possible thru out the day and finish the rest by holding the Mus’haf (Quran) in the night Prayer.
You can also do this Exercise:
When in any given day, you are too tired that you are to pass-on to bed (for sleep); make Salah of 4 or 2 units.
And Say “O ALLAH I did this for you, O ALLAH Save me on the day when there is no Tiredness except that every single person feels it, O ALLAH grant me REST on that Day (judgement Day-Arafah) as I tired myself today in your Worship”
Schedule your time:
Hadeeth: “My Ummah has been blessed in early part of the day”
So make use of this time, give an hour of which read portion of the Quran for 30min and in the next 30min watch the same portion’s tafseer on internet perhaps Bayyinah podcast or some other reflections, Do this daily.
One motive of reflection is to have a tangible benefit out of it and benefit of knowing Qur’an is that it has effect on your Salah and you will feel it.
And finally REMEMBER! “JANNAH is NOT CHEAP”, you have to earn it and you need to STRIVE for it so literally you should immerse yourself in the knowledge (in quest of learning).