Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Dummies – Review


How to use cognitive behavioral therapy?

What should you expect?

CBT or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is also popularly referred to as talking therapy. This short term therapy is understood as a psycho-social intervention method that aims to make the person feel better and hopeful. The ground rule of the therapy is simple; finding newer ways to improve one’s thought process and therefore engaging with CBT is an excellent way to reduce stress, along with coping up to the present day personal challenges.

On this front, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Dummies is a powerful book, especially for the many who cannot afford private sessions. The basic premise of the book is that it is often your thoughts about a particular situation that create your feelings, rather than the situation itself.

The book begins by giving the readers a good introduction to CBT and slowly goes into the details of it. However, the book is not entirely theoretical. It throws up a lot of practical things for you to use and apply. These include the little things like everyday experiments you can try, easy exercises and worksheets for you to fill. There are also examples of these worksheets filled and there are blank worksheets for you to fill.

How to use cognitive behavioral therapy book?

The book is particularly useful when it starts to describe how CBT can be used to deal with specific problems, such as anxiety, depression, OCD, low esteem issues and the like. The best part is how each chapter is dedicated to these specific issues. The solutions are suggestive of a positive action. There is a suggestion for each of these problems. On the other hand, even if you are casually reading the book, the book is full of advices, life lessons and everyday science that can be applied in anyone’s life.

book reading

Into the book: What does it feel like reading CBT for Dummies?

The book is quite easy, the language is simple and is devoid of sophisticated jargons. The chapters are written in a very easy to read manner. It has very minimal scientific jargon. The book provides ample examples of fictional clients, done so that the reader gets a better idea. The book is also easy to navigate. Each of the chapter, in the beginning details what the chapter is about and so you can decide if you want to read that or skip to the next. The book is visually appealing with proper diagrams, bullet points, pictures and boxes. The layout of the content is neat, with the text chunked into neat paragraphs.

Practice and worksheets

To the end of the book, it recommends resources and worksheets that are relevant. All of them tailored to make it easy for learning. It also recommends books and websites for further details on CBT. Along with this, there are also practice worksheets for you to make use of.

What’s my learning?

Personally, the book is a great resource to own. There are meaningful quotes and positive statements in the book that resonate with one’s inner feelings. The book has given me a greater understanding of CBT. The practices, exercises and worksheets are helpful in getting a clarity of thought. It is not until you put the practices in place that CBT will start making sense to you. Some practices and techniques stand out and have greatly helped me battle anxiety issues.

Would I recommend this?

Most certainly! It needn’t always be seen as a self-help book. Whether you want to help yourselves or help others, this book is an excellent one to get started with. It gives you a fine insight into how you can solve the little issues that you and many others have. For example, the most common issue is the issue of self-esteem. The book gives you tips on coping with low self-esteem, how you can relax in a social situation etc.

Now that you know how to use cognitive behavioral therapy?, you can grab a copy of this book online.

The book is available on Amazon! Happy reading!

Also read: CBT for depression