How To Have Peace In Your Life?

The other day I was reading word to word meaning of Tashahud – what we recite in sitting position in salah. Wherein after attahiyyat (Affirming ones worship of tongue, body & Wealth are only for ALLAH), we send salutations upon Prophet & Messenger of ALLAH – Muhammad (Saaw), So my mind just got to realization that in sending this salutation to Messenger of ALLAH we are asking peace, mercy & blessings from ALLAH for him (Prophet Muhammad) followed by seeking peace for us and peace for the righteous slaves of ALLAH. – This article is about how to have peace in your life and let others pray for you..

This caught my attention as to how beautiful our religion is that we do not single out anyone when seeking goodness rather we are to seek goodness for every one – every Muslim in general when praying.

Let us see word to word to meaning of the terms in part of tashahhud regarding peace.

So the first part in Tashahhud is: Attahiyatu Lillahi Wassalawatu Wattaiyibaat

Attahiyatu – All types of worship by tongue

Lillahi – for ALLAH

Wassalawatu – And all types of bodily worship

Wattaiyibaat – And all types of worship by spending wealth

a) Worship by tongue: Salah, Zikr, Quran recitation, preaching, etc,

b) Worship by body: Salah, Fasting, Dawah & propagation etc,

c) Worship by wealth: Charity, Zakat, Hajj etc.,

muslim man praying

Meaning of Salam:

Prophet of ALLAH Muhammad SAAW performed all these 3 types of worships and taught us how to perform the same.
Therefore, we pray for three things for him in the 2nd part of tashahhud which is:

AsSalamau – Peace

Alaika – up on you

Ayyuhan Nabiyyu – O Prophet

Wa Rahmatullahi – And Mercy of ALLAH

Wa  Barakatuhu – And Blessings of ALLAH

So we are seeking peace (protection & safety), ALLAH’s mercy & blessings and increase in the blessings, favors, goodness & bounties.

Now comes the 3rd part of Tashahhud, here we seek peace for ourselves & other righteous slaves of ALLAH. We say:

Assalamu – Peace

Alaina – be upon us

Wa Alaa – and on

IbadiLLAH – the slaves of ALLAH

As-Saaliheen – the righteous ones.

How To Have Peace In Your Life?

The term salaam in this context means May ALLAH grant you safety & protection from any kind of harm – ie, protection in one’s Deen, Imaan (Faith), Health, Wealth, relations, business, job etc. and that you are protected from undesired situations or things.

After salam (peace & protection), we seek ALLAH’s blessings and increase in those blessings. What an excellent way of seeking goodness.

This prayer of peace is for the prophet Muhammed (saaw) and then for us and then for the righteous slaves of ALLAH. Thus we are in the middle, the prayer of peace for Muhammed and for the righteous slaves (Salheen) will be answered, since we are in the middle, we must strive to be among the righteous ones by following the footsteps of prophet Muhammad (saaw) and by doing the acts of righteous people.

Peace In Your Life?

We are around 2 billion of Muslims on this planet, imagine if all of the Muslims across the globe prays their obligatory salah and in each prayer recites this Dua of peace, ho

But despite of Muslims praying and ALLAH answering the dua, we are not finding peace, safety, comfort and barakah in our life, it means we are not among the category of Saliheen. Therefore let us start practicing the acts & deeds of the righteous people so that we qualify to become one and get our self in the list of Saliheen.

So now you know, How To Have Peace In Your Life?

May ALLAH  make us among the saliheen so we can get the benefits of the dua made by the muslims in their prayers.muslim prayer mat
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Faith in Islam


Islamic greeting