Fast Phobia Buster

What is Phobia?
Phobia is something which is not real, but it seems more powerful than fear and leads you to an un-resourceful state.

Difference between Fear and Phobia.

  • Fear is relevant. It is like your friend. It gives you message, when you feel frightened, somewhere your mind gives a message that something can go wrong. But Phobia is irrelevant and it is not your friend. (Terrace Example)
  • There are different types of phobias there like hydrophobia, claustrophobia etc.
  • Some people have phobia of water, fire, closed place etc.

It’s a traumatic event and it should get erased from the memory.

  • For helping someone, you need to use the Anchoring, Knowledge of Sub- modalities, dissociation and double dissociation. (Double dissociation is, anything dissociates twice)
  • The event is perceived in future.

How to perform this technique?

  • Rapport (Set an Environment)
  • Create a Resourceful state (Safety Anchor)
  • Ask what is that feeling, which leads you to the fear.
  • Ask if you want to handle this feeling, then by which feeling it can be handled. Any positive feeling (Courage, Control, Confidence etc.)
  • Go into the time. (where you felt courageous, Controlled, Confident etc.)
  • See what you saw.
  • Listen what you heard.
  • Feel what you felt
  • Observe the physiology. (Voice, Breathing pattern, Facial Expression, Skin)
  • Stacking of Anchor. (Repetition of the same Anchor)
  • Break the State by asking last three digits of his/her phone number or any other ways you feel.
  • Test the Anchor. (Ask how are you feeling? And observe the physiology)

Note: You need to do this technique very carefully and properly. Do right things at the first time.

Steps for fast-phobia method:

  • Ask have you ever been to a theatre? (if not, you can show him/her any video on theatre)
  • Imagine as you are entering into the theatre.
  • Choose the comfortable seat for yourself. (You don’t tell him/her which seat.)
  • Can you see any other people?
  • Are you comfortable? ( if not, then fade away the people)
  • Check the physiology, is this technique working or not.
  • Ask the color of the seat and texture of the seat, label of lighting)
  • Float your awareness into the projector room.( Do not say soul, use awareness)
  • This projector room is very comfortable. Whatever you want, you will get it. This is your visualization.
  • You are the controller. You are going to play the event on the screen.
  • Make it Black and white.
  • Reduce the volume to Zero.
  • From projector room you can see yourself on the chair and the screen too.
  • Trigger the anchor with the same pressure and at same place.
  • Project the last scene and this is going to play very fast in reverse mode.
  • Float to the awareness back to the first seat and then on the screen.
  • Give command to another you “I am totally with you. You have the capability to come out of this event. I have a suggestion for you. Give one or two options”
  • Come back to your seat and see the movie in forward mode with handling the event with new learning.
  • Go to the screen and appreciate the other you, then integrate it that younger yourself with yourself and you are learning the same thing.
  • Ask him/her to walk out of theatre.
  • Ask him/her to take deep breath.
  • Tell him/her, since you have done this technique wonderfully and you will be able to handle the future event in different way.
  • Now you have changed the programming of your mind.


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