Summary of Surah Al-Fajr (Chapter 89):

Surah Al-Fajr, the 89th chapter of the Quran. Its title, “Al-Fajr,” means “Dawn,” is derived from the very first verse, “By the dawn.” Revealed in Makkah during a period when the Muslims, who had embraced Islam, were facing persecution from the Quraish, this Surah consists of 30 verses.

The Surah commences with Allah swearing oaths, followed by accounts of earlier generations who were oppressive and how Allah dealt with them. It then describes the characteristics of materialistic people and contrasts them with the qualities of the believers. Finally, it highlights the ultimate destiny of both believers and disbelievers. Let us explore the contents of this Surah further.

Surah Al-Fajr: Meaning “The Dawn”

Classification: Meccan

Chapter No: 89

Total Verses: 30

Source: Surah Al-Fajr – Listen

The Surah begins with ALLAH, the Most High, taking oaths. He swears by the dawn, the ten nights, the even and the odd, and the passing night. These four oaths serve as a sufficient testament for those who possess understanding.(Verse: 1:5)

Then Allah poses the question, “Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with Aad and Iram, the people of lofty pillars never seen before in the land?” (Verse 6:8) And likewise, how He dealt with the people of Thamud, who carved dwellings in the mountains, and with Pharaoh, the tyrant who owned stakes. (Verse 9,10). These nations oppressed the lands and spread corruption. (Verse 11,12) Allah, in turn, inflicted upon them a severe punishment (Verse 13).

The topic then is shifted from the earlier generations to us.

Allah gives example of a person who, when bestowed with favors from Allah, exclaims, “My Lord has honored me!” But when Allah tests and restricts him, he complains, “My Lord has humiliated me!” (Verse 15,16) Allah clarifies that it is not Allah who humiliates, but rather the consequence of the person’s actions. (Verse 17-20).

It is because they:

1) neglect the orphans,

2) fail to encourage one another to feed the poor,

3) consume inheritances unjustly, and

4) hold an intense love for wealth

Then Allah directs our attention to the day of judgement

Allah then directs attention to the Day of Judgment, describing how the earth will be leveled and crushed. The Lord will come, and the angels will be in rows. On that day, Hell will be brought forth, and people will remember their deeds, but such remembrance will not benefit them. They will wish they had sent forth good deeds to that day. (Verse 21-24)

The recompense for the evildoers is mentioned as None will punish as Allah punishes, nor will anyone bind as Allah binds. (Verse 25,26)

On the other hand, the righteous will be told “O reassured soul, return to your lord well-pleased and pleasing to him (almighty), and So enter among my (righteous) servants and enter my paradise. (Verse 28:30)

This is a concise summary of the key themes and events covered in Surah Al-Fajr.


  1. Humility and gratitude: We should avoid arrogance and boasting about the blessings and favors bestowed upon us by Allah.
  2. Fair treatment and avoidance of oppression: We must not look down upon others or oppress the weak, as well as refrain from causing corruption in society. (Verse 6-12)
  3. Gratitude and humility in all situations: We should display gratitude and humility both in times of ease and during trials and challenges. (Verse 15-16)
  4. Compassion for orphans: It is important to honor and care for orphans, showing them kindness and support. (Verse 17)
  5. Encouraging charity: We should motivate and inspire one another to feed the poor and contribute to charitable causes. (Verse 18)
  6. Upholding justice in inheritance: It is essential to avoid consuming inheritance unlawfully or engaging in unjust practices related to inheritance. (Verse 19)
  7. Practice moderation: We should adopt moderation in all aspects of life, including our approach to wealth and material possessions. (Verse 20)
  8. Preparation for the Day of Judgment: We should be mindful of the consequences of our actions and strive to send forth good deeds to benefit us on the Day of Judgment. (Verse 23-24)
  9. Remembrance of Allah’s punishment: Reflecting on the consequences of wrongdoing can serve as a reminder to engage in righteous deeds to the best of our abilities. (Verse 25-28)
  10. Aspiring to be among Allah’s righteous servants: Our ultimate goal should be to earn Allah’s favor and to be addressed as His servants, with the hope of entering His Paradise among His other devoted servants. (Verse 29,30)

May Allah guide us to embody these lessons from Surah Al-Fajr and grant us success in this life and the hereafter.


Also read: Sayyidul Istighfar