Justice of Umar Ibn Al Khattab:

Justice and quality are among one the principles on which is Islamic system is established.

Justice between people whether on individual or social levels is not something that is dependent on the moods or the desire of a ruler it is in fact something the most sacred and important duty in Islam.

And there is no wonder why on the day of resurrection seven people under the shade off the throne of God – one among the 7 is a “just ruler”. 

Umar the caliph Had a firm belief in the meeting with ALLAH, therefore he established the Islamic state with utmost justice to such an extent that he did not care whether the one against whom judgment was passed was a relative or an enemy, rich or poor, a commoner or an elite.

His view of justice was a practical way of calling people to Islam thus Umar’s example of justice captured the hearts and minds, of Muslims, and non-Muslims alike. His success in establishing justice on a practical level is unprecedented so much so that his name became synonymous with justice. 

In fact, Michael heart wrote in his book The 100 most influential people and Omar was numbered 52.

The phenomenal thing about Omar was his transformation from someone who was totally unjust to becoming a symbol of justice for all of mankind.

There are many incidents during his rule where he established justice not caring against whom he is passing the judgment. 

In a dispute between a Jewish man and a Muslim, he passed the judgment in favor of the Jew man as the Muslim had wronged him.

He allowed a common man to settle his score with the son of the Emir of the country – Egypt

His justice was not limited to others, but he followed it on himself and his family as well. He always abided by the truth, it was to extent that we read in his seerah that he was stricter on himself and his own family than with the people. 

Against his family: 

He carried out the punishment (Hadd) against his own son in public, putting him into the same category as other Muslims 

During a famine in Madinah – “the year of Ashes” we have incidents where Omar declined/refused to eat any special food items until the things settle and common people would also be able to afford and enjoy therefore he would eat only bread dipped in oil. And on one occasion when the people got him the best parts of a slaughtered camel he said “oh no, oh no, what a bad ruler I am, if I eat the best of it and the people eat from the worst of it”, he then refused it and ate bread with olive oil

On another occasion when his stomach rumbled, he said “Rumble as much as you like, for Allah you will not eat ghee until the people eat it”

Omar teaches us many cases of justice and leadership. in fact, under his caliphate he would fear animals and would say to the animals “by ALLAH, I am afraid that I will be asked about you”

There are many such incidents from his Seerah but we will discuss here only two of these. (Ref of these two from Quran Weekly) 

1 During the year of Al-Ramada (year of ashes) 18th century after Hijra. This year the Muslims were struck with serious famine and about 40,000 of 60,000 refugees died in this famine it was such intense that even the wild beasts attacked the human beings in the streets.

Abu Hurayrah tells 2 incidents that happen that year:

Umar used to come with bags of oil and all kinds of goods and he would find people that were unable to live and were unable to function. in fact, once he saw a man that was licking the edge of a metal piece just to try to get some form of oil / trying to get the last piece of butter. Every time Omar saw someone who was deprived of something he would deprive himself of the same thing. So when people were deprived of meat he deprive himself of meat. Then people will be deprived of butter, he deprived himself of it.  

He once entered his home during this time of famine and found the son eating watermelon, he rushed towards him and went chasing after him until his son started crying he took the watermelon from the son and said “the son of Omar is eating watermelon? By ALLAH we will not eat watermelon until the entire ummah can afford to have watermelon. 

So, he deprived himself and his family of that.

And he said the famous statement “how can I consider myself to be a shepherd and I am not stuck with what my flock has been struck with?” This is the true concept of servant leadership that Islam brought.

He deprived himself during the famine so much so that he lost his nutrients body, changed his color and the companions thought if this famine will continue any longer, we will surely lose Ameer ul Momineen.

Incident 2: justice for a non-Muslim

One of the sons of Amr ibn Aas – the chief of Egypt raced with a Christian Coptic and then he lost the race he went up to him and he lashed that man in the face in the name of his father saying “I am the son of the nobles” and this Christian man knew that there was a just man in the city of Medina so he went all the way to Medina to complain. He met Omar and complained to him about what had all happened. Omar summoned the governor Amr bin Aas and his son from Egypt to Madinah to stand before the Christian Coptic and when the accusations were confirmed, Omar gave the Coptic a whip to lash the one who lashed him, he then said to lash his father but the Coptic asked why would I do that to him when his son has lashed me, Omar replied because it was done in his name.


So there was justice from Omar for Christians as it was for the Jews, there was justice for the animals, and there was justice for the poor. He taught us so many profound lessons in justice and leadership and not transgressing other people’s rights. 

 And under his leadership, Islam flourished as far as possible.

This is how the state of the rightly guided Caliphs was – based on the principles of justice. 

Ibn taymiah said “Allah causes the just state to prevail even if it is a kaafir state and he does not allow an unjust state to prevail even if it is a Muslim’s state… and by means of justice the best in men is brought out and wealth increases” (as siyasah ash-shariah, p 10)

In the Islamic view – all people are equal, rulers and subjects, men and women, Arabs and non-Arabs, white and black. Islam has abolished All differences among people based on race, color, lineage, and class.


Omar’s implementation of this principle of Justice is the best testimony of that.

 And this is what we must follow in our capacity. Prophet said “every single person is a shepherd, and every single shepherd is responsible for his flock”  

Therefore, a parent is responsible for his/her children, a woman is responsible for her home, and A manager is responsible for his organization.

Everyone is responsible for someone else and they need to deal with them in justice and feel their pain. At the same time strive to better the conditions of everyone around them. 

And if we embody justice and compassion – attributes of ALLAH, the most merciful ALLAH, will show us justice and compassion. 


May Allah bless us all with these qualities of compassion and justice.

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Reliance on ALLAH

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