Unlike other religions of this world which are named after either nation, person or community, Islam has unique distinction of no such association. It is a universal & timeless religion ie, is applied anywhere and anytime (since beginning of creation till end of the times).

Islam’s objective is to create and cultivate in human beings the quality and attitude of being submissive to the creator. Thus, anyone who possesses this quality or has possessed in past such quality is entitled to be called as Muslim. 

 ISLAM is an Arabic word which means submission / surrendering. In terms of religion, it means to submit and obey the creator of this entire universe ie, LORD / GOD. In Islam this GOD is ALLAH – which means the True and GOD (AL – The, LAH – God).

The other meaning of Islam is “PEACE“, when we apply this with the religion Islam, it signifies that one will achieve Peace in their selves and in their lives thru submission and obedience to ALLAH.

Everyone and Everything is MUSLIM!

As we all know, the entire universe and whatever exists whith in it follows a systematic order. In the Universe, the Sun, Moon, Stars, other heavenly bodies are knit together in a magnificient system and follow an unalterable law. Likewise, on this earth everything follows its laws – from Electron to nebulae, matter energy & life – all obey the laws of change / growth, life & death. All the living beings – animals or humans follows the set of biological laws of birth, growth & death.

This law which governs all that comprises the universe is the “LAW of GOD” this goes to say all that which is on Earth and in this universe obeys to GOD’s law thus follow religion of ISLAM ie, religion of submission. Therefore, everything and everyone in their true sense are all MUSLIMS regardless they admit it or not.

Let us now examine the above fact from another approach. Man is constituted of two distinct spheres, one following the divine law (as explained above). Two, His free-will, that comes from his ability to think, form judgements, choose or reject,  approve or disapprove. Unlike other creatures, Human beings have the ability of this faculty. He enjoys the freedom of thought, choice & action. And both these aspects co-exist side by side in a man’s life.  

From this we can say, every human being is a born MUSLIM and later on because of his additional faculty of logic & resaoning, he approves or rejects being submissive. This is out of his free-will.

And this divides the people in two categories, 1. Believers and 2. Dis-believers.

So, in summary, the person who consciously:

– Acknowledges the lordship of GOD – ALLAH,

– Accept him as the owner & absolute controller of everything


– Chooses to submit to his laws and follows it.

IS A MUSLIM (A Believer) 

He has now consciously submitted to ALLAH whom he was already unconsciously obeying. Now his reason & judgement are set on an even kneel – for he has rightly decided to obey the one who bestowed upon him the faculty of thinking & judging.

His tongue becomes truthful for it expresses its belief in the GOD, who gave it the faculty of Speech.

Now, the whole of his exsitence becomes the embodiment of truth for, in all spheres of life, he voluntarily and involuntarily obeys the laws of ALLAH.

This will lead him to peace with the universe for, he worships the one whom the whole universe worhips. 

And such a man is GOD’s Vice-regent on earth. 

And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, “Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority (Vice-regent)….” (02:30 –  Chapter Al-Baqarah, Verse # 30)