The Wisdom behind the etiquettes of drinking water.
Water is one of the main constituents of all living beings. It has varied properties that No other fluid has. And we cannot at any time undermine its role in keeping our body healthy.
Considering the high importance of Water one should also be aware of the right way to consume or Drink it.

Like everything else, there is a correct way to drink water, did you know about it? Well all we know is, drinking more water is beneficial for health, but most of us however are not aware of the right way to drink water.
According Ayurveda, drinking water alone will not fetch you benefits but it is the way by how you drink it. If you drink the water in its supposed way, you’ll reap maximum benefits and in doing so you might not require to drink what is mostly recommended, ex. we know drinking 2.5-3L of water a day is compulsory for an adult, but if you are drinking water the correct way, you might not require to drink this 2.5L.
1. Drinking Water In Sips:
Gulping down water in a quick succession is not encouraged. You might be wondering why?? Have you ever watered a potted plant?? If yes then you will be knowing how watering a plant in one shot with a big bucket causes the water to overflow from the pot. There is always a pace required to water it properly so that the soil get enough time to absorb it efficiently without wastage.
In the same way, if you drink large amount of water in one shot by gulping, the water will simply pass down to the belly and proper absorption of water will not happen, which is essential to keep our body hydrated. So, by gulping, no hydration takes place instead soon you’ll find the urge to relieve yourself (to pee), and you’ll see the color of urine is not yellow as it is supposed to be this means the impurities didn’t mix with the water and that the water you drank has simply gone waste.
Another example is that of rain. Have you witnessed a cloud burst?? Or a flood?? Remember too much water with force will always cause more harm than good. Same goes with us the humans who are made from earth (clay). It is just simple common sense.
Beside this, there is also an ample of information in Ayurveda, unani medicine as well as scientific research on to why fluids shouldn’t be forced down our throat in a speedy gulping fashion and instead should be consumed in sips with breathing after each sip.
Most of the Muslims follow this process of drinking because they follow the footsteps (SUNNAH) of their Prophet – Muhammad (pbuh), He used to breathe while drinking the water. It was narrated that Anas ibn Maalik (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) used to breathe three times when drinking, and he would say: “It is more thirst-quenching, healthier and more wholesome.” Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh (2028).
Ibn al-Qayyim said: There are great wisdom and important benefits in drinking in this manner. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) drew attention to them when he said: “It is more thirst-quenching, healthier and more wholesome.”
Thirst-quenching means it is more hydrating and beneficial.
Healthier means it is better for one.
Wholesome means that it is a healing; it relieves one from intense thirst and sickness to which that may lead, because it comes to the stomach in stages one after another; the second draught soothes that which could not be soothed by the first, and the third soothes that which could not be soothed by the second.
And it was said that wholesome means that it is free from any disease or harm that may result from drinking in one draught.
2. Sit & Drink:
There is an Ayurvedic saying in the lines “you should sit down and drink water; but try not to stand” such sayings do not comes just like that, there is a science behind it. When you stand and drink, the flow of fluids within the body could cause an accumulation of unwanted fluids in between the joints. This prevents the smooth flow of blood, water, and other liquids throughout the body, resulting in weaker bones which in long term could lead to arthritis. On the other hand, sitting relaxes the muscles and even the nervous system handles the pressure of the body weight in a more balanced manner.
Apart from Ayurveda, in Islam it is highly encouraged to not drink whilst standing, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would drink whilst sitting and most of the Muslims do follow the Sunnah whether they know the wisdom behind it or not.
One of the famous scholars of Islam, Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) explained the negative effects of drinking water whilst standing as:

Drinking whilst standing has numerous negative effects, one of which is that it does not fully quench the thirst and does not settle in the stomach so that the liver can distribute the nutrients to other parts of the body. Rather it comes to the stomach with speed and force, and there is the fear that it will cause a chill or disturbance, and may pass quickly to the lower parts of the body without moving gradually. All of that is harmful to the drinker, but if he does it occasionally or in the case of need, it will not harm him… End quote from Zaad al-Ma‘aad, 4/229.
Science has also proved that drinking water whilst in a standing posture can cause Gastrointestinal Tract damage, kidney damage, can lead to arthritis, and other disorders.
That said, it is not that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) always drank while seated. The basic ruling is that one should drink whilst sitting, which is better, but one may drink whilst standing. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did both to demonstrate that there is a lot of room for manoeuvre in this matter.
3. Drinking Water with the right hand whilst seeing it:
Yes we should always use our right hand for drinking and eating purposes. It is a well-known hadeeth that shaytan (the Devil) eats and drinks with his left hand. Also Right hand is far cleaner as we refrain it from using it for cleaning our dirty parts. There is much wisdom why our openings are separated. The place from where we eat is much high above our torso to remain clean from the impurities and diseases that may be residing down by the other openings that are responsible for removing toxic substances from our body. So by using right hand to feed ourselves and left to clean ourselves down there it becomes much more hygienic. And of course you should see what you drink to avoid impurities that may be present. There is so much wisdom in small details!

4. Do not directly drink from the water containers:
It is not advisable to drink water directly from its container, storage, or any other source. It is better to use a glass/cup or our right hand for cupping and drinking it and also do not breathe in the water. Such habits helps avoids contamination of water by a sick person.
5. Thanking & Praising God:
Imagine this, you’re deserted in a land with no source of water and when you are about to die out of thirst if you happen to find water to drink by chance the immense gratitude that will come from within the heart and soul will be none other than these words of “Thank GOD”. Since we have been subjected to a comparatively easy life from birth as opposed to the difficult life our ancestors had, we have forgotten the etiquettes of thanking and remembering the creator of universe for every drop of water and every morsel of food. This requires not much in depth understanding to acknowledge the immense benefit of water for our survival and the gratitude towards the maker.
Muslims practice this gratitude not just while drinking water but also in other aspects of live, the most from them you will hear is “Bismillah (In the name of God) before initiating any work, their reason of saying this is 1. It has been advised by their Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), 2. It is like seeking permission from the God – the owner of everything on this earth. And the other is “Alhamdulillah (all praise and gratitude is for the true God)”
So in summary; you have to
- Drink water in a sitting position and avoid by all means drinking while standing
- Drink in Sips and not Gulp
- Use a container / a glass or cup to drink water
- Do not breathe in the water
- If you can follow the Muslim’s Sunnah way of drinking water it is much better – we may not know the wisdom behind doing it, yet you can do so as there is no harm in following this process.
- The Sunnah way is:

Additionally; Avoid drinking water while having your meals, it is preferred to drink 30min before the meal and 90 min after the meal (try to avoid in between) – because when you are eating, the digestive juices in the stomach/intestines, starts acting upon the food and that is what helps to break down the food into smaller compounds and makes it easier for absorption into the body. If you feel the urge to drink water while eating, start mindful eating by chewing around 32times so that the food is mixed well with saliva, this will not just reduce your urge for water, it also helps in digestion – you can watch this video to know more about it.
Hadeeth on drinking water.
1. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Sit down and drink” (Muslim).
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Never eat and drink with the left hand because Shaytaan (Satan) eats with the left hand.”(Muslim)
- “Do not drink directly from a water pitcher or any water container.” (Bukhari)
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Do not drink water only in one breath, but drink it in two or three breaths.”
- Abdullah Bin Abbas (RA) narrated that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Do not blow from your mouth into food and water.” (Tibrani)
- Wisdom behind drinking whilst sitting –
- Is the Sunnah to drink before eating –
You can also read: Virtues of ZamZam Water