
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam.

Lower Your Gaze – Menace of Men’s Attraction to Women

Men's Gaze: ALLAH's Command "Lower Your Gaze" As I open up this conversation, my heart weighs heavy with concern over a topic that has lingered in my thoughts for quite some time - the challenge of men's attraction to women and the profound directive from Allah to...

Summary of Surah Muminoon

Summary of Surah Muminoon

Surah Muminoon: Surah Al-Muminoon is a profound and enlightening chapter that offers guidance on leading a righteous and spiritually fulfilling life. Comprising 118 verses, Surah Al Muminoon touches upon various aspects of faith, morality, and conduct. In this blog...

Guarding Allah’s Commands

Guarding Allah’s Commands

Guarding ALLAH's Command: Today, as I arose from sleep, I commenced my day a bit differently. I offered my Fajr Salah, indulging in a deeper, more meaningful communion with Allah, basking in His divine presence. A few hours later, as I began transitioning back to my...

Summary of Surah Al-Fajr – Chapter 89 of the Quran

Summary of Surah Al-Fajr – Chapter 89 of the Quran

Summary of Surah Al-Fajr (Chapter 89): Surah Al-Fajr, the 89th chapter of the Quran. Its title, "Al-Fajr," means "Dawn," is derived from the very first verse, "By the dawn." Revealed in Makkah during a period when the Muslims, who had embraced Islam, were facing...

Healing Body & Soul – Introduction

Healing Body & Soul – Introduction

Healing Body & Soul: In this post, we focus on healing body and soul from the Islamic approach. 'Islam is a complete code of life,' this is what we have grown up hearing, but if we look around how many Muslims do we find practicing Islam in their lives? Basically,...

As – Salaam – ALLAH’s name Asma ul Husna

As – Salaam – ALLAH’s name Asma ul Husna

As-Salaam: We are continuing our discussion of the Names and attributes of Allah Azzaojal- Asma Ul Husna. And this post is regarding ALLAH’s name ‘As-Salaam’. The Name As-Salaam is one of those names of Allah SWT that does not occur in the proper noun form. The proper...

Al-Wadood Name of ALLAH

Al-Wadood Name of ALLAH

Al-Wadood: Referring to our discussion regarding the beautiful and majestic Names of our Creator and of the Names that are mentioned in the Quran is the Name ‘Al-Wadood’. The Name ‘Al-Wadood’ comes from the verb ‘wadda’ and the verb ‘wadda’ means to love but it is not...

Asma Ul Husna The Ninety Nine Names of ALLAH

Al Asma ul Husna or Beautiful Names of Allah SWT Before I talk about all of these beautiful Names, we need to understand and clarify a very important fact, ‘what exactly are these 99 Names that we keep hearing about all the time. So, what exactly is this concept of...

Significance Of Water In Islam

Significance Of Water In Islam

Significance of Water: In this Khutbah, the topic discussed is the significance of water. ALLAH subhanwatawla in the following verse asks us, have we ever looked at water we drink? and made us to ponder his ultimate favor on the mankind. "Did you look at the water you...

How To Have Peace In Your Life

How To Have Peace In Your Life

How To Have Peace In Your Life? The other day I was reading word to word meaning of Tashahud - what we recite in sitting position in salah. Wherein after attahiyyat (Affirming ones worship of tongue, body & Wealth are only for ALLAH), we send salutations upon...

How To Deal With Stress & Worry – Islamic Way

How To Deal With Stress & Worry – Islamic Way

Coping with life challenges is difficult, Sr. Dunia Shuaib shares some tips on dealing with stress & worry from an Islamic & practical approach. This article is from her same talk at ICNA convention. There are so many reasons why we are sad. Every single one...

How Can I Become A Scholar in Islam?

How Can I Become A Scholar in Islam?

How Can I Become a Scholar? The other day I came across a video on "How can I become a Scholar?", this question was posed to sheikh Asim Al-Hakeem. I felt this is a very important question as people who are interested in growing closer to ALLAH get this question in...

Importance Of Arabic

Importance Of Arabic

Importance of Arabic: In verse # 29 from chapter 38 (Saad), ALLAH says “[This is] a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that they might reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded.“ , If we look at the meaning, ALLAH...

Beyond The Book

Beyond The Book

The QUR’AN: Was revealed to change ourselves in inside. Ultimate GOAL is to worship ALLAH. TAFSEER Meaning of the Qur’anic Verses (Interpretation, extraction of laws & rulings etc) TADABBUR: Reflecting on the message of the Qur’an. Deriving benefits from the...

Spiritual Growth – Islamic Way

Spiritual Growth – Islamic Way

We all know that we have been placed in this world for a certain period of time, We know for sure that when our stipulated time on earth comes to an end, our next journey begins, with this we can say “We are on a journey from God to God”, What this means is We were...